Uncover Evidence of Little People & Sasquatch Encounters - Picture Analysis Tips

Posted Thursday, October 10, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

In a recent video posted on the YouTube channel "Marife's Simple Philippine Life Enjoy The Islands," the channel's owner shares their experiences and photos of what they believe to be little people or Sasquatch on the island of Bohol. The video, which is a conversation between the channel owner and an unnamed friend, discusses various encounters with these mysterious beings. The channel owner shares a story of a couple who were too afraid to move into their newly built house because they claimed that little people, or "duende" as they are known in the Philippines, were having parties there every Thursday and Friday night. The couple claimed to have heard loud music and seen lights on in the house, even though no one was living there. The owner's friend also shares a story of a woman who saw three little people walk under the stall where she was using the restroom at a factory in Subbu City. The woman was dead serious about the encounter and the channel owner did not prompt her to share the story. The channel owner's friend in America also shared pictures of what they believe to be Sasquatch, which they say have a "cloaking" ability and can only be seen in photographs. The friend claims to have taken the pictures using different filters and color settings to make the shapes and faces of the Sasquatch more visible. Inspired by these stories and pictures, the channel owner decided to take their own photos in their yard and in the bottom land on the island of Bohol. They took 46 photos in their yard and 102 in the bottom land, and claim that several of the photos contain clear faces and shapes of what they believe to be Sasquatch. The channel owner encourages viewers to take their own photos in the evening, around 5:00 PM, when the shadows are long. They suggest looking for round and oval shapes in the darkness between bushes and other foliage. They also invite viewers to share any photos or stories they may have about ghosts, spirits, or Sasquatch. I find these stories and photos to be intriguing and worth further investigation. It's always exciting to hear about new encounters and evidence of these mysterious creatures. I encourage all of our readers to watch the video and share their own experiences and photos with us. Who knows, you may have captured something incredible on camera without even realizing it!