Backyard Bigfoot Encounter: Six-Fingered Creature and Giant Footprint Revealed

Posted Thursday, October 10, 2024

By staff

A thrilling encounter with a possible Sasquatch has been captured on video and shared on YouTube by the channel Real Eyes Tv. The video, titled "I'M SORRY!! DIDN'T HAVE TIME TO THINK I NEEDED TO SAVE MY DOG!!" (sic), shows a man recounting his close encounter with what he believes to be a Sasquatch in his backyard. In the video, the man explains that he heard coyotes fighting near his home and went outside to investigate. Upon further examination, he realized that the coyotes were actually fighting with a Sasquatch. The man quickly grabbed his predator callers and attempted to scare the creature away from his property. As the Sasquatch approached, the man noticed that it had a human-like appearance, with thin hair, a beard, and skin that was similar in color to his own. He also noted that the creature had six fingers on each hand and a large, elephant-like foot. Despite his fear, the man refused to harm the Sasquatch, as he believed it to be too precious to kill. He instead challenged the creature with a stick and told it to leave his property. The Sasquatch eventually complied and disappeared into the nearby timber. The man in the video can be heard expressing his disbelief and excitement about the encounter, stating that the Sasquatch looked more human than half-human, half-animal. He also notes that the creature had a belly button that was located higher on its abdomen than a human's would be. This video is a fascinating glimpse into the world of Sasquatch sightings and encounters. It's a reminder that these creatures are still out there, living in the wild and interacting with the world around them. Whether or not you believe in the existence of Sasquatch, this video is definitely worth a watch. If you're interested in learning more about Sasquatch and other cryptids, be sure to check out the rest of the videos on the Real Eyes Tv YouTube channel. And, as always, keep your eyes open and your camera ready – you never know when you might have your own Sasquatch encounter!