Befriending Bigfoot Stella: A Shared History with the Mexican Cartel

Posted Wednesday, October 09, 2024

By staff

Crop circles and Bigfoot sightings seem to go hand in hand, with many people reporting seeing both in the same area. In a recent video from the YouTube channel Dixie Cryptid, a witness shares their experience of encountering a Bigfoot they call Stella, and the unexpected connection between the Sasquatch and crop circles. The witness, who goes by the name Skater, was on a camping trip near Yosemite Valley when they first met Stella. At first, they were both wary of each other, but after some time, Stella seemed interested in communicating with Skater. They learned that Sasquatch communicate telepathically and can control the emotions of nearby humans. Skater describes the feeling as an "overwhelming sense of calm" that replaced their initial alarm. During their conversation, Skater learned that Stella was part of a clan of 23 Sasquatch living in a 20 square mile area. As they continued to communicate, Skater was amazed at how easily the telepathy worked and how intelligent Stella and her clan were. One night, the forest came alive with the sounds of wood knocks and yells. Stella screamed back, telling the others to be quiet and that she was fine. Skater was growing tired and Stella reassured them that they would be safe that night. The next morning, Skater was surprised to find a second Bigfoot in camp, Stella's brother William. William was larger and more powerful-looking than Stella, but just as friendly. He had brought a quarter of a venison and shared it with Skater and Stella. As they ate, William shared a story about an encounter they had with the Mexican cartel, who were growing illegal weed in the area. One of their Sasquatch cousins had been wounded by an AK and died shortly after. The two brothers of the slain Sasquatch were posted to watch while the clan formulated a plan to take out the offenders that evening. The Sasquatch snuck up on two members of the cartel and ripped their heads off their bodies. They caught up with several other members and broke their arms. The remaining cartel members cleared out of the area in a matter of minutes. Skater's supplies were becoming limited, and it was time for them to end their camping trip. Stella gradually released her hold on Skater's mind and emotions, but left them with the knowledge that the other Sasquatch in the clan would leave them alone unless given a good reason not to. Before leaving, Skater gave their fishing pole to Stella and taught her and William how to tie flies or use bugs that they could find. They also left a good supply of fishing line so that in a pinch, they could use the branches of trees as fishing poles. This is just one of the many fascinating stories of Bigfoot encounters out there. If you're interested in learning more, be sure to check out the Dixie Cryptid YouTube channel and other sources of Bigfoot sightings and encounters. Who knows, you may even have your own Bigfoot encounter one day!