New Record: 2001 Bigfoot Sighting in Marble Mountains of California

Posted Wednesday, October 09, 2024

By staff

In a recent video from The Truly Bizarre YouTube channel, a collection of terrifying internet videos is compiled, and I just had to share it with all of you fellow Bigfoot enthusiasts. The video, titled "TERRIFYING INTERNET VIDEOS - VOLUME 1," features a variety of eerie clips, but there are two that particularly caught my attention. The first one is a cryptid video that originated from the Something Awful forums. Although man-made, the inspiration behind it might be rooted in reality. The unsettling footage takes place in a sewer system, where glowing eyes can be seen at the end of a tunnel. Some speculate that this could be the infamous Rake, a creature often described as having glowing eyes. The dark, enclosed setting and the mysterious entity make this video a must-watch for those who enjoy a good scare. The second video that piqued my interest is believed to be the longest ever recorded video of a Bigfoot out in the wild. Filmed in 2001 by Jim Mills in the Marble Mountains of Northern California, the video shows a large humanoid figure traversing down a mountain. The group filming the video estimated the creature to be 750 meters away, making the figure appear grainy and shaky due to the digital zoom. What makes this video even more fascinating is the area where it was filmed. The Marble Mountains are known for their rugged terrain and dense forests, making it nearly impossible for humans to hike through. The fact that the figure is traversing down the mountain with such ease only adds to the intrigue. I highly recommend checking out the full video on The Truly Bizarre YouTube channel and sharing your thoughts with us here at Squatchable. Who knows, maybe you'll have some insights or knowledge that could help us better understand what's happening in these videos. As always, stay bizarre and keep an open mind!