Ohio's Century-Long Bigfoot Encounters: A Timeline of Mystery

Posted Monday, October 07, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

In a video posted to the YouTube channel "Bigfoot Encounters Narrated," several historical accounts of Bigfoot sightings in Ohio are shared. The video begins with an incident from January 1869 in Gallia County, where a man and his daughter had a terrifying encounter with a hairy creature. The daughter was able to fend off the creature by throwing rocks at it, causing it to retreat. Next, the video describes an incident from December 1883 near Lisbon in Columbiana County. Two hunters, Bob and Henry, were pursued by a "wild man covered with hair and looking like a bear." The hunters saw a huge hairy object that appeared to be half man and half beast spring from behind a cliff and start for the woods. One of the hunters fired at the creature, and it appeared to hit it in the arm. The creature then stopped, tapped the wound, and charged at the hunters. They dropped their empty guns and ran. In mid-1886, a wild man was reported in Grover Crossing, Ohio. He was described as gigantic and wearing no clothes except for an old slouch hat and a pair of boots. His hair was long and matted, and his body was tanned until it was a mud color. He had a very ferocious and frightful appearance and could run like a racehorse. His eyes apparently flashed like fire, and he would scream thrilling and blood-curdling screams. In October 1886, in Holmes County, Ohio, a party of hunters encountered a curious creature on their trip. They described it as a wild man or some other strange being that was at large in the county. The creature looked like a man but acted like a wild beast. It was encountered near Brushy Thicket and Willow cops, near what is known as Big Spring. The hunters were beating the brush for pheasants when the attention of one of the party was attracted to an object that suddenly darted across an opening in the brush. Later on, it was seen again along the edge of the brush by this time the hunters had reached open ground and were surprised to see what they described as a man entirely nude but covered with what appeared to them to be matted hair. But on discovering the hunters, it started towards them on a run and gave forth queer guttural sounds. On seeing the strange being moving towards them, the party of hunters, which included four persons all armed with shotguns, broke and ran. This creature pursued them for a short distance until they had reached a public Highway when he then turned and was seen to enter Kalebuck Creek. He then swam and disappeared into the forest. The video also includes a personal account from a man who, as a child, had an encounter with a Bigfoot-like creature in Ashland County, Ohio, in 1943. He was lost in the woods while camping with his parents and was put back in their camp by a large female ape-like creature. He has kept this experience to himself for most of his life but would like to leave the original of the picture he drew of the creature in his will to the right kind of museum. Another interesting account is from 1956 in Venton County, Ohio, when a sister was growing up on her grandparents' farm and was left to entertain herself quite a bit. She claims to have been within a few feet of a Bigfoot in the yard and when she ran back to the farmhouse, she says that the creature followed her. She then hid behind a couch and watched this creature look around for a short minute and then it turned to leave. The video also includes an account from 1991, where a family was out cutting wood and enjoying the day when they all at the same time caught a whiff of what they described as a pungent musty smell. It was strong and nauseating, and my uncle told everyone to jump on the wagon and they immediately left the area. Overall, this video is a fascinating compilation of historical and personal accounts of Bigfoot sightings in Ohio. It's a reminder that even though Bigfoot is often thought of as a myth or a legend, there are many people who claim to have had encounters with this elusive creature. Whether you believe in Bigfoot or not, these accounts are definitely worth a listen. I encourage our readers to watch the video and share their thoughts with us. Do you have any personal experiences or stories about Bigfoot sightings in Ohio? We would love to hear from you!