Mark Marcel's Personal Connection to the Ape Canyon Bigfoot Incident of 1924
Posted Sunday, October 06, 2024
By staff
Have you heard of the Ape Canyon incident? If not, you're in for a treat. I recently came across a video on YouTube from the channel EarMobPodcast that delves into the history and story behind this fascinating event. The video features an interview with Marc Myrsell, who has done extensive research on the Ape Canyon incident.
For those who are unfamiliar, the Ape Canyon incident occurred in 1924 on Mount St. Helens in Washington state. A group of miners reported being attacked by a group of large, hairy creatures, which they believed to be Bigfoot. The incident has since become a legendary tale in the world of Bigfoot research.
Myrsell, who grew up as a land surveyor in Northwest Oregon, has always been interested in the unexplained and paranormal. He combines his love for research and the unexplained in his work on the Ape Canyon incident. In the video, he discusses his findings and the importance of historical research when it comes to stories like this.
One of the most interesting points that Myrsell makes in the video is the importance of going back to the original source material and researching each individual lead. He notes that as stories are retold and passed down, facts can get lost or distorted. By going back to the original sources, we can get a clearer picture of what actually happened.
Myrsell's research on the Ape Canyon incident has uncovered a wealth of information that had not been brought to light before. He discusses the location of the miner's cabin and the mind, as well as the newspaper reports that were published at the time.
I found this video to be incredibly informative and fascinating. It's always exciting to learn more about legendary Bigfoot encounters, and the Ape Canyon incident is certainly one of the most well-known. I highly recommend checking out the video and learning more about this intriguing event.