Newest Bigfoot Sightings Across America: 1967 to 2022

Posted Sunday, October 06, 2024

By staff

Bigfoot sightings have been reported for centuries, with the earliest known accounts dating back to 1884 in Canada. This elusive creature has been the subject of countless stories, legends, and videos, and its existence continues to be a topic of debate among believers and skeptics alike. In this article, we'll be discussing some of the most intriguing Bigfoot videos that have been discovered on YouTube. Starting off our countdown, we have the infamous Bigfoot footage from 1967. This video, taken in Northern California, is one of the most well-known and controversial Bigfoot sightings in history. The video shows a large, hairy creature walking through a wooded area, and despite numerous attempts to debunk it, it remains one of the most compelling pieces of evidence for the existence of Bigfoot. At number nine, we have a video from Provo Canyon, Utah, taken in 2012. In this video, a group of siblings were hiking when they spotted something unusual in the woods. At first, they thought it was a bear, but as they got closer, they realized it was something much more mysterious. The creature was standing on two legs, and despite their initial fear, the siblings managed to capture it on tape. Coming in at number eight, we have a video from Alony National Forest in Pennsylvania, taken in 2007. A hunter named Rick Jacobs set up a wildlife camera in the forest, hoping to capture photos of bears, deer, and other wildlife. To his surprise, he captured a photo of what appears to be Bigfoot. Skeptics believe it may be an image of a sick bear, but the way the creature is hunched over with its back leg extended makes it look remarkably like Bigfoot. At number seven, we have a video from Marble Mountain in California, taken in 2001. A group of teens and their leader were camping when they stumbled upon a strange den made out of twigs and large branches. Shortly after, they spotted a large, hairy creature moving nearby. The leader, Jim Mills, filmed it for seven minutes, and experts have since analyzed the footage, agreeing that it is not a human and that the creature is 9 feet tall. Moving down the list, we have a video from Lake James in North Carolina, taken in late 2019. A man named John Bruner and three other men went on a boat late at night, scouting an area where fishermen had reported seeing something watching them from the shore. They heard strange noises coming from the cove and turned off their boat's motor to investigate. That's when they saw Bigfoot and managed to capture 121 blurry photos of it. At number five, we have a video from the Whitehall Trail in New York, taken in 1976. Multiple witnesses, including local police and a New York state trooper, reported seeing a man-like beast standing over 7 to 8 feet tall and covered with hair. A blurry photo was taken, and Whitehall now has its own Bigfoot event, the Sasquatch calling festival, with a competition for the best bigfoot calls to attract the elusive animal. Coming in at number four, we have a video from Washington State in 2020. A Mayville New York resident, Peter wymer, told a local TV station that he had heard from 45 eyewitnesses who claimed to have seen the Sasquatch in the area around Shaqua Lake. There are reportedly over 100 witnesses in the county who aren't talking to him, and Footprints seen in nearby Asheville New York are further evidence that Sasquatch is out there. At number three, we have a video featuring alleged vocalizations from Bigfoot. Some researchers believe that Bigfoot has its own language, and audio recordings from the early 1970s, said to be recorded in the Sierra Nevada mountains, have been analyzed and found to be a language that is not of human origin. In our second spot, we have a video from the Conroe Police Department in Texas. A police officer who specializes in finger and footprints has analyzed over 150 casts of bigfoot footprints and is convinced that Bigfoot is real. One footprint, found in 1987 in Wala Wala in Washington state, has convinced him that Bigfoot is real due to its rich flow pattern and texture, which is completely different from any human print he has examined. And finally, at number one, we have a very recent Ohio Bigfoot report from January 2023. A family reported seeing a large black figure standing near a bike path while they were driving down the road. The father of the family described the figure as having no obvious clothing pattern, being consistently dark, and that his wife and two teenage children also spotted it. There have been at least nine credible sightings of a supposed Bigfoot-like creature in the same area. These videos are just a few of the many compelling pieces of evidence that have been discovered on YouTube, and they continue to fuel the debate about the existence of Bigfoot. Whether you're a believer or a skeptic, these videos are definitely worth checking out.