Bigfoot Researcher Matthew Hines Investigates Cascade Blood Mystery

Posted Sunday, October 06, 2024

By staff

In a recent video posted on the BritFlicks YouTube channel, Matthew Hines, a paranormal investigator known for his work on aliens, Bigfoot, and dogman, delves into the ongoing "Cascade Bigfoot blood mystery." The mystery began in 2021 when Hines and his companion, Eigor Berv, discovered a mysterious substance that resembled blood while camping in the Eastern Cascades of Washington state. Hines has been exploring the possibility that Bigfoot might be the culprit behind the blood mystery. In the video, he shares his interviews with a local reporter and inhabitants of the area who suspect Bigfoot as the primary suspect. He also discusses the results of remote viewing sessions conducted by Dr. Simeon Hein and his Opening Minds Institute, which suggested that Bigfoot could be involved. To further investigate the matter, Hines decided to use science to find answers. He contacted the University of California Davis Veterinary Lab, a top veterinary lab known for its expertise in police identification of blood samples. Hines aimed to determine the DNA of the mysterious substance, which he believes could be mammalian. Throughout the video, Hines maintains his composure and shares his experiences and findings with enthusiasm. He also discusses his polygraph test, which he took to establish his innocence in the matter. Hines visited Ted Pulver, an ex-paratrooper from the 82nd Airborne with years of spy hunting and lie detection experience, to take the test. Pulver concluded that Hines was not deceptive regarding the blood mystery. I encourage our readers to watch the full video and share their thoughts on the Cascade Bigfoot blood mystery. It is fascinating to see how Hines uses various methods to explore this mystery and consider the potential involvement of Bigfoot. While the truth behind the blood mystery remains elusive, Hines' work sheds light on the ongoing search for answers.