Ranger David's Thrilling Bigfoot Encounter in the Appalachian Wilderness

Posted Friday, October 04, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

Park rangers often have strange and terrifying experiences while on duty, and the YouTube channel Ex Ranger has compiled some of the most chilling stories in their series "True Terrifying Park Ranger Horror Stories." In volume 32, they share two stories that are sure to send shivers down your spine. The first story comes from a park ranger named David, who was on patrol in the remote stretches of the Appalachian Wilderness. While on his route, he heard a scream that was unlike anything he had ever heard before. Despite his fear, David's ranger instincts kicked in, and he decided to investigate the source of the sound. As he approached the clearing where the scream had come from, he noticed huge, heavy footprints in the soft earth. The footprints were too large to be human, but too defined to belong to any animal he knew of in the region. David followed the trail of footprints, which led him deeper into the forest. Suddenly, he heard a low, guttural growl coming from somewhere in the trees ahead of him. He tried to radio for backup, but there was only static on the other end. David's heart was pounding as he realized that he was not alone in the woods. As David moved closer to the source of the growl, he saw a massive figure standing in the shadows. The creature was easily over 7 feet tall, with a hulking frame covered in thick matted hair. Its eyes glowed faintly in the beam of David's flashlight, and it stared back at him with a predatory intensity. David didn't move, unable to believe what he was seeing. The creature let out a low rumbling growl and took a step toward him. David barely managed to draw his weapon before the creature lunged at him. He fired, and the creature recoiled with a pained snarl. David didn't wait to see what would happen next; he turned and ran as fast as he could back toward the ranger station. The second story comes from a ranger named Sarah, who was making her usual rounds in Blackwood National Park. She received a call from her supervisor, Mike, about some campers at site 14 who had reported strange noises and something big moving around their campsite the night before. Sarah wasn't worried; she had dealt with wildlife encounters before. When Sarah arrived at the campsite, she found a middle-aged couple sitting by their fire, looking nervous. They told Sarah that they had heard strange noises and something big moving around their campsite. Sarah assured them that she would investigate and make sure everything was okay. As Sarah walked deeper into the woods, she heard strange noises coming from all around her. Suddenly, she saw a figure standing in the shadows. It was unlike anything she had ever seen before. Sarah's heart raced as she realized that she was face to face with something that shouldn't exist. Both of these stories are truly terrifying and will leave you wondering what else is out there in the woods. Be sure to check out the full series on Ex Ranger's YouTube channel, and let us know in the comments which story was your favorite!