Oregon Woman's Chilling Bigfoot Encounter on Savi Island: New Eyewitness Account

Posted Friday, October 04, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

A Bigfoot sighting on Sauvie Island, Oregon has been reported and shared on the Bigfoot Society YouTube channel. The witness, Colleen, describes her encounter in detail, leaving viewers and listeners in awe. Colleen, an Oregon native, grew up hunting, fishing, and camping with her family. She never gave much thought to the existence of Bigfoot until her experience in 2020. At the time, she was living on Sauvie Island, a 30-square-mile agricultural community on the Columbia River. During a walk with her partner and their dog, they came across a black figure crossing the road. At first, they thought it was a person, but as the figure came closer, they realized it was not human. The figure looked at them and continued crossing the road before disappearing into the blackberry bushes. Colleen describes the figure as having broad shoulders, long arms, and walking with a strange gait. She couldn't see its face, but she knew it wasn't a person. Her partner was also in shock and didn't say a word during the encounter. It wasn't until later that night, when Colleen was having drinks with friends, that she shared her experience. One of her friends, a skeptic, questioned her story, asking why the figure was waiting for them. Colleen admits that she doesn't have an answer, but the experience has stayed with her. Colleen's encounter is a reminder that Bigfoot sightings can happen anywhere, even in populated areas like Sauvie Island. Her detailed description of the figure and her reaction during the encounter make it a compelling report. If you're interested in hearing more about Colleen's encounter, be sure to check out the Bigfoot Society YouTube channel. And if you've had a Bigfoot sighting or experience, don't hesitate to reach out to the channel and share your story.