Michigan Man's Multiple Bigfoot Encounters: A Firsthand Account

Posted Friday, October 04, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

A new video has been making the rounds on YouTube, featuring several accounts of possible Bigfoot sightings in Michigan. The video, titled "BIGFOOT IN MICHIGAN PART NINE" and posted by the channel Bigfoot Encounters Narrated, shares the stories of several individuals who claim to have encountered the elusive creature in the state's forests. One of the witnesses, Shannon Morgan, describes a sighting that occurred in Ross common County in October 1984. While on a family hunting trip, Shannon and three others saw a large, dark figure standing in the middle of a dirt road. The figure was tall, broad, and had long arms, unlike anything they had ever seen before. Despite not being able to make out any distinct features, Shannon is certain that this was not a human. Another sighting took place in Benzy County in October 1984. A witness, who was waiting for the school bus early in the morning, heard heavy footsteps in the dried leaves behind them. As they moved down the road, the footsteps followed, getting closer and closer. The witness was understandably frightened and ran to the next bus stop. In Manesty County, a witness saw something strange while picking apples at a migrant worker camp. They describe seeing a creature that was at least 10 feet tall, with a body shape and gait that was not human. The witness kept this sighting to themselves for many years, but they are certain that what they saw was not of this world. The video also features an account from Iosco County, where a witness describes hearing strange noises and experiencing otherworldly phenomena in the woods near their home. The witness describes a strange smell that accompanies the sounds, and the feeling of being watched. These are just a few of the accounts shared in the video. While each story is unique, they all share a common thread - the belief that something mysterious and elusive is living in Michigan's forests. I find these accounts fascinating and compelling. It's always exciting to hear new stories and accounts of possible Bigfoot sightings. While we may never know for sure if these creatures exist, the stories and experiences of those who claim to have encountered them are worth exploring and sharing. If you're interested in learning more about these sightings, I encourage you to watch the video for yourself. It's always exciting to hear new accounts and stories from those who have had encounters with these mysterious creatures. Who knows, you may even be inspired to share your own Bigfoot encounter!