Virginia Resident Recounts Encounters with a Mountain Man and a Childhood Bigfoot Sighting

Posted Thursday, October 03, 2024

By staff

A chilling encounter with a possible time traveler in the Blue Ridge Mountains is the focus of a video recently discovered on YouTube. The video, posted by the channel Dixie Cryptid, tells the story of a 15-year-old boy who had a strange encounter while hunting in 2005. The young hunter, who remains unnamed, describes seeing a man dressed in clothing from a different era, complete with a leather hat adorned with metal buttons, a fur-lined coat, and worn leather pants. The man carried a leather possibles bag and a long muzzleloader rifle, and his hair and beard were coarse and graying. The boy and the stranger inspected each other's weapons, and the stranger asked if the boy had seen anything yet. After the boy replied negatively, the stranger handed back the weapons and the two heard the sound of a deer approaching. The stranger put his hand on the boy's shoulder and told him to take a deep breath and squeeze the trigger, which the boy did. However, instead of the usual boom of the rifle, there was only the pop of the percussion cap and the powder igniting. As the boy turned to speak to the stranger, he found that he had vanished. The boy could still feel the stranger's hand on his shoulder, but he was nowhere to be seen. The boy decided to call it a day and walked home, confused and frightened but not feeling threatened. The boy never saw the stranger again and never learned his name or where he came from. He speculates that the stranger may have been a time traveler, as his clothing and appearance were from a different era. I find this story fascinating. While it does not directly involve Bigfoot, it does involve a mysterious figure from another time appearing in the present day. This is not the first time that such an encounter has been reported, and it raises questions about the nature of time and the possibility of time travel. I encourage all Bigfoot believers to watch the video and share their thoughts on this intriguing story. Who was the stranger, and where did he come from? Was he truly a time traveler, or was there another explanation for his appearance and disappearance? These are questions that may never be answered, but the mystery is part of what makes this story so captivating. Wrapping up, this video from Dixie Cryptid is a must-watch for all Bigfoot enthusiasts and those interested in the paranormal. The story of the time traveler in the Blue Ridge Mountains is both chilling and thought-provoking, and it adds to the growing body of evidence suggesting that there is more to our world than meets the eye.