Minnesota Resident Shares Bigfoot Gift of Deer Skulls and Interdimensional Encounters

Posted Thursday, October 03, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

A recent video posted on YouTube by the channel SheSquatchers Official has caught the attention of the Bigfoot community. In the video, Randy Bauer from Black Duck, Minnesota shares his experiences with Sasquatch on his property. Randy has a unique relationship with Sasquatch, as he frequently leaves out gifts of peanut butter and apples for them. He has received numerous deer skulls as gifts in return, which he keeps on his property. These skulls are in perfect condition, with no signs of chewing or damage, leading Randy to believe that they were brought to him directly by Sasquatch. During one of his walks through the woods, Randy had a mind-speak experience where he received a clear message from Sasquatch. They told him that they do not bury their dead, do not live in caves, do not migrate to the south in the winter, and do not live on Earth as humans know it. Instead, they are interdimensional and metaphysical beings who come to Earth for certain minerals and resources. Randy also mentioned that he has noticed a white, chalky substance on his cameras and trails, which he believes is also left by Sasquatch. He has chosen not to test this substance, as he does not want to disrupt his relationship with them. I encourage our readers to watch the full video for themselves and draw their own conclusions. It's always exciting to hear firsthand accounts from people who have had experiences with Sasquatch, and Randy's story is no exception. I find Randy's experiences to be fascinating and respect his approach to interacting with Sasquatch. It's good to remember that Sasquatch are not just animals or beasts, but rather beings with their own culture and way of life. By respecting their boundaries and treating them with kindness, we can hope to build a positive relationship with them. Overall, Randy's story is a reminder of the mystery and wonder that still exists in our world. As Bigfoot believers, we must continue to seek out and share these stories, as they help to deepen our understanding and appreciation for these elusive creatures.