Michigan Sisters' Encounters: A Young Girl's 1967-1968 Bigfoot Sightings

Posted Sunday, September 29, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

A thrilling first-hand account of a Michigan Bigfoot encounter has been shared on the YouTube channel, Bigfoot Encounters Narrated. The witness, Shannon Morgan, recounts her experience from 1967, when she was just 11 years old, and her older sister was 13. Shannon and her sister lived in a small town in Roger City, Michigan, which had several wooded areas nearby. The sisters often heard eerie, owl-like sounds coming from a thickly wooded lot across the street from their home. They initially believed these sounds were due to a haunting, as the area was situated next to a cemetery. However, one day, while riding their bikes down a narrow road that ran between the woods and the cemetery, they spotted something unusual. In Shannon's own words, "it looked like a big black burned out stump." Upon closer inspection, they realized that it was a large, black, hair-covered creature, sitting cross-legged in the middle of the lot. Shannon described its face as flat, with a pug-like nose and low forehead. The creature had long arms resembling a praying mantis and long legs crossed like a person sitting cross-legged. Its height was estimated to be between 5 to 6 feet tall while sitting. Terrified, Shannon and her sister pedaled their bikes as fast as they could back to their home. They shared their encounter with their mother, who believed them and grounded them for going near the forbidden road. In the following months, the sisters noticed a rotten meat smell, strange chuckling sounds, large footprints, and handprints near their home. Years later, when Shannon was 12, she and four other neighborhood kids witnessed a Bigfoot crossing a road and an open field on two legs at an incredible speed. Shannon's father searched for tracks but found none due to the sandy ground. Finally, in November 1968, Shannon had a close encounter while deer hunting with her family in Ross common County, Michigan. She heard loud crashing in the woods and caught a glimpse of a huge, white, furry leg just 25 yards away. The creature was so massive that Shannon hesitated to shoot it, fearing her 3030 rifle might not be powerful enough to take it down. This captivating account of Shannon's experiences with Bigfoot is a must-watch for any Bigfoot enthusiast. You can find the full video on the Bigfoot Encounters Narrated YouTube channel. Don't forget to share your thoughts and any similar encounters in the comments below. Happy Squatching!