Bigfoot Researcher Discovers Suspicious Branch Pile in Forest

Posted Friday, September 27, 2024

By staff

A recent video posted on Northwest Sasquatch Studies and Research's YouTube channel has caught the attention of the Bigfoot community. In the video, titled "Looking for Bigfoot," the researcher, Ben, takes us on a journey through his original research area in the Pacific Northwest. Ben begins by expressing his excitement about finally being able to return to the area after months of being unable to due to fire danger. He mentions that the last time he was there, during the end of August, he had several strange encounters. This time around, he's hoping to find some evidence of Bigfoot's presence. As Ben and his team explore the area, they come across some unusual signs. They find a large pile of Alder branches that seem to be blocking the trail. Ben notes that he's never seen anything like it before and wonders if it could be a barrier put up by Bigfoot. He also finds some broken branches in the forest behind South Lake, which he finds to be peculiar. Throughout the video, Ben shares his thoughts and theories about what could be causing these strange signs. He mentions the possibility of other researchers or hunters in the area, but he can't be sure. He also talks about the abundance of elk sign and the possibility of Bigfoot going after fish in the river. Towards the end of the video, Ben sets up a game camera and places it near the pile of Alder branches. He hopes to capture some evidence of Bigfoot's presence on film. Overall, the video is an interesting glimpse into the world of Bigfoot research. While there's no definitive proof of Bigfoot's existence in the video, the strange signs and Ben's thoughtful commentary make for a compelling watch. If you're interested in checking out the video for yourself, you can find it on Northwest Sasquatch Studies and Research's YouTube channel. And as always, if you have any Bigfoot sightings or encounters to share, be sure to submit them to Squatchable. We're always excited to hear from fellow Bigfoot believers!