Bigfoot Encounter: Paranormal Abilities Revealed in Documentary

Posted Monday, September 23, 2024

By staff

A new and fascinating documentary on the paranormal side of Bigfoot has recently caught my attention, and I can't wait to share it with you all! The documentary, "Flash of Beauty: Paranormal Bigfoot," features two experts in the field, Tobe Johnson and Jill Remensnider, who share their experiences and research on the subject. Tobe Johnson is an author and researcher for Bigfoot, as well as a Bigfoot experiencer himself. Jill Remensnider is an accredited writer of several films and documentaries, and she also happens to be Brett's wife. In the documentary, they discuss their work on the film and share some incredible stories from eyewitnesses who have encountered High Strangeness firsthand. One of the stories that stood out to me was that of Rick Taylor, who had a remarkable encounter with Bigfoot on ARA's property. ARA is a woman who has had a long-standing connection with Bigfoot, and her property in Eastern Oklahoma is known to be an active area for these creatures. Rick had heard about ARA and decided to visit her property to see if he could have an encounter of his own. During his visit, Rick had an incredible experience with a large male Bigfoot that was making owl sounds. What's even more fascinating is that Rick had his audio recorder going during the encounter, and he captured the sounds on tape. However, what's even more intriguing is that Rick also managed to capture a face that appeared on camera as he was walking down the trail. One thing that stood out to me during this encounter was that Rick was carrying a gun with him. Tobe mentioned that Bigfoot seems to have a precognitive ability and can sense your intentions. In Rick's case, he didn't seem to be aware of this and was simply carrying the gun for protection. However, it's interesting to note that Bigfoot seemed to know that Rick had a gun and asked him to step away from ARA. Tobe and Jill also discussed the idea that Bigfoot may be beyond human and have predictive knowledge of what people are thinking or planning. This is certainly a fascinating concept and one that I think is worth exploring further. Overall, I'm really excited about this new documentary and the insights it provides into the paranormal side of Bigfoot. I highly recommend checking it out and hearing the incredible stories and research that Tobe and Jill have to share. Who knows, it may even inspire you to go out and have your own Bigfoot encounter!