Giant, Shadowy Figure in Clamo Mountains: Chilling Bigfoot Encounter

Posted Sunday, September 22, 2024

By staff

Recently, I came across a chilling video on YouTube featuring firsthand accounts of individuals who have had close encounters with Bigfoot. The video, titled "SHOCKING 1 Hour TRUE Bigfoot Encounter Stories | Real Sasquatch Sightings | Cryptid Encounters Vol.6" by the Frigh10 channel, shares three harrowing stories of people who had up-close and personal experiences with the elusive creature. The first story is from a camper who went on a solo trip to the remote Clamo Mountains in late October 2023. The camper was drawn to the area by the promise of autumn colors and isolation. After setting up camp, they settled in for the night, enjoying the tranquility of the forest. However, their peaceful retreat turned into a nightmare when they were awakened by a series of heavy, rhythmic thumps outside their tent. As they shone their flashlight into the darkness, they saw large shadowy figures moving among the trees. The presence of these enormous shapes was unsettling and ominous, and the situation became even more terrifying when a loud, guttural roar shattered the silence. The camper, armed with their camera and flashlight, cautiously approached the source of the noise and discovered large human-like footprints with five distinct toes. The tracks led to a strange twisted structure made of branches and logs, arranged in a crude but deliberate pattern. The second story takes place in September 2023, when a solo camper decided to take a trip to Clearbrook Forest in Northern California. The camper, an experienced outdoorsperson, heard a series of odd noises – soft thumps and a low rhythmic rustling – which they initially attributed to nocturnal animals. However, as the noises grew louder and more insistent, they decided to investigate. Armed with a flashlight and recording device, they approached the source of the sounds and were confronted by a massive figure covered in dark fur, moving with surprising agility. The creature's eyes glowed faintly in the beam of the flashlight, and its presence was overwhelming and terrifying. The camper attempted to capture the creature on camera but was unable to get a clear picture before it vanished into the forest. The third and final story is from a hiker who embarked on a solo trip through the remote Blackwood Wilderness in Oregon in early July 2023. While hiking the Ridge Trail, they heard a distant, rhythmic thumping sound that seemed to come from deeper within the forest. As they followed the sound, they were met with an unsettling chill and a low guttural growl that seemed to vibrate through the ground. Emerging into a small clearing, the hiker was confronted by a large, shadowy figure that appeared to be pounding the ground with heavy, deliberate strikes. The creature's presence was both chilling and otherworldly, leaving the hiker with a deep sense of unease. These firsthand accounts, as shared in the Frigh10 YouTube video, offer a fascinating glimpse into the mysterious world of Bigfoot. They serve as a reminder of the unknown creatures that may inhabit the wilderness, their presence often felt but rarely seen. If you're a Bigfoot enthusiast or simply intrigued by cryptozoology, I highly recommend checking out this video and others like it on the Frigh10 channel.