Farmer's Shocking Bigfoot Sighting: GiS Map Reveals Avocado Lake Encounter
Posted Saturday, September 21, 2024
By staff
A new video posted on the YouTube channel GIS Bigfoot Answers has caught the attention of Bigfoot enthusiasts. The video, titled "California Bigfoot Encounters Examined," explores various sightings and encounters in the Golden State.
The video begins by showcasing the channel's patreon members map, which is populated with reported encounters. The host then proceeds to examine one particular encounter in Fresno County, near Avocado Lake. According to the report, a farmer witnessed five to six Bigfoots on his farm in the middle of the night, one of which was carrying a pig over its shoulder.
The video then utilizes satellite imagery and Google Street View to examine the area where the encounter took place. The host notes that the area is primarily farmland, with hills and a lake nearby. This makes it a plausible location for Bigfoots to reside, as they require both cover and water sources.
The host also mentions that there have been multiple reports of Bigfoot sightings in this area over the years. This suggests that the area may be a hotspot for Bigfoot activity.
Another encounter highlighted in the video occurred in the Marble Mountains in 2001. A group of youths led by an adult on a hiking trip discovered a Bigfoot nest. The nest was made of Evergreen brush and limbs, with trees around it appearing to have been scratched. The group then saw a figure on a mountain ridge above them, which they filmed for several minutes. The figure appeared to be angry and shaking its fist at them.
The video then utilizes satellite imagery to examine the Marble Mountains, noting the wooded and rocky terrain that would provide adequate cover for Bigfoots. The area also has numerous ponds and trails, providing water sources and potential paths for Bigfoots to travel.
The host encourages viewers to submit their own encounters to the channel's patreon members map. This allows for a collaborative effort in documenting and examining Bigfoot sightings and encounters.
I am always excited to see new reports and evidence of these elusive creatures. The video's examination of specific encounters and locations is informative and engaging. I encourage all Bigfoot enthusiasts to check out the video and submit their own encounters to the GIS Bigfoot Answers patreon members map.