In a chilling encounter that would forever change his life, Wes Germer, host of the popular podcast Sasquatch Chronicles, had a terrifying experience with a Bigfoot while driving with his brother Woody in rural Washington State in 2012. The video from the YouTube channel Crypto Spooks shares the details of this encounter and how it led Wes to his deep interest in the phenomenon and the creation of his podcast.
As the brothers were driving through a remote area known for strange occurrences, they heard unusual noises and an almighty growl. They then saw something huge with its arms around a tree, watching them. Wes described the creatures as being 8 to 9 feet tall with wide muscular builds, moving in a way that seemed almost human but far too large to be people.
The brothers were overcome with fear as the creatures seemed to be stalking them, acting like they wanted a fiery confrontation. They eventually managed to drive away, but the creatures followed them for a short distance, crashing through the trees parallel to the road.
The encounter left Wes deeply shaken and his initial reaction was one of disbelief. He found himself grappling with the reality of what he had seen and the experience sent him down a path of research and obsession as he sought to understand what they had encountered.
The aftermath of the encounter left Wes with a deep sense of dread and a profound shift in his beliefs. He never had physical evidence to prove what he saw, but the emotional and psychological impact of that night in the woods is undeniable.
Wes's encounter is a prime example of how a personal experience can radically shift one's beliefs. His encounter remains a key element in his life and career, shaping not only his views on Sasquatch but also his desire to give others a platform to share their own extraordinary and often frightening experiences.
I encourage readers to watch the video and hear Wes's story in his own words. It's a chilling reminder of the presence of Bigfoot and the impact they can have on those who encounter them.