A chilling account of a potential Sasquatch encounter has been shared on the Buckeye Bigfoot YouTube channel. In the video, a comment left by Chris Craftsman describes a harrowing experience in Western North Carolina. While out in the forest with his son and buddy, they got stuck under a rock overhang during a sudden storm. Chris decided to venture out into the rain and darkness to get help, where he heard what sounded like a human walking on the ridge line above him.
According to Chris, he felt a strong presence with him, as if someone was telling him "it's okay, I'll walk with you, it won't follow anymore." He believes this presence was a mother Bigfoot, who was watching over him and guiding him to safety.
In another comment, a woman named Rhonda shares her own unsettling experience in a wooded field near Big Rapids, Michigan. During a spiritual retreat with her family, they heard repeated clacking sounds and footsteps throughout the night. As light began to form, they heard an owl hooting in the same cadence as the rock clacks. Rhonda believes that the sounds were made by a Sasquatch, as the owl hoots didn't sound quite right to her and her father.
Both Chris and Rhonda's stories are truly captivating and add to the growing body of evidence suggesting that Sasquatches may be roaming in areas where they are not typically expected. It's always exciting to hear about new potential encounters and the sense of community that comes from sharing these experiences.
If you're interested in learning more about Buckeye Bigfoot and their videos, be sure to check out their channel. And, as always, if you have a Sasquatch encounter that you'd like to share, don't hesitate to reach out to them.