"Hippy" sees possible Bigfoot run from camp

Posted Monday, March 02, 2020

By Squatchable.com staff

Several of us old hippies meet once a year in October at Tishomingo, Ok to camp and enjoy each other. This October (the first week-end) we met as usual at the Tishomingo state park. There were 15 of us at the campsite on Saturday night. It was around 9:30 pm when I was leaving the burning embers and people behind me to walk to my tent alone. When I got about halfway to the tent, someone ran across in front of me in front (close to) the tent. I knew all of the campers were at the site and most of them cannot run. I don't drink or do drugs and so I stopped for a moment and thought about who it could have been. My tent was facing the Blue River. I stopped, turned around and decided to try to get back to all of the people. When I reached them, I asked for someone to walk me back to the tent with a flashlight. Two of my friends, males, made fun of the sighting I informed them about and told me it was probably a deer. Deer run on four legs! Then they told me it was probably one of the brown bears. Brown bears can't run with the stride of a man and they aren't that tall (around 6' or more). I got in my tent and loaded my gun and slept with it under my pillow (my hands making sure the steel was touching the gun all night long). I had two small dogs with me that I felt would alert me to any other encounters with something outside of the tent. I know I saw the stride of a man as he ran from West to East. There is a large light towards the South end of the camping area that allowed me to see the creature. I am positive everyone was at the campsite when the "Thing" was seen running. When I told my girlfriend in Florida about the sighting she said I ought to tell someone and therefore I am telling you via (Link: bfro.net)