Squatch America's Town Hall: Join Bigfoot Researchers' National Network
Posted Thursday, September 19, 2024
By Squatchable.com staff
If you're a fan of Bigfoot research and investigation, you might be wondering, "What is Squatch America?" Well, wonder no more! I recently came across a video from the YouTube channel Squatch America, and I'm excited to share some insights about the organization and its mission.
Squatch America is an All-American National Bigfoot research group, independent of the BFRO (Bigfoot Field Research Organization). They have established a network of investigators across various regions of the country to respond to sightings and gather evidence. The group is continuously growing its team, with investigators in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, New Mexico, Utah, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Wisconsin, and Texas.
One of the core components of Squatch America's business is research and investigation. The founders realized that physically and financially, it's impossible to race back and forth across the country all the time. Thus, they rely on a national network of investigators to respond to sightings and gather evidence.
Squatch America is currently working on a project and has invited viewers to ask questions. They're open to discussing the new stuff happening with their organization, as some of their initial plans have changed.
The video also highlights the group's recent opportunity to conduct a town hall meeting on the Mescalero Apache reservation. They have received permission from the Chiefs and Elders to engage with tribal members and investigate any stories shared during the meeting.
If you're interested in learning more about Squatch America or becoming a part of their network, you can email them at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]).
I encourage you to watch the video and explore Squatch America's YouTube channel for more information about their work and mission. It's always exciting to learn about new developments in the Bigfoot community!
### Excitement Level: 6 of 10
As a Bigfoot enthusiast, I find it intriguing to see Squatch America's efforts to expand their network of investigators and engage with tribal communities. The prospect of new projects and developments in the world of Bigfoot research keeps me hopeful and engaged in the ongoing search for our elusive friend.
We're all about sharing encounters that're real and true. Like Bigfoot sightings, UFO sightings, Orbs, shadows, ghosts and unexplainable cryptid encounters. Most encounters are submitted by visitors such as yourself. If you encounter something that can't be explained, share your story so others can know what you saw, and hopefully you can be helped or debunked.
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