Mysterious Winged Humanoid, Hairy Hands, and Hooded Creature: Eyewitness Accounts

Posted Wednesday, September 18, 2024

By staff

In a recent video from the YouTube channel Tattooed Biker Unexplained, three individuals share their chilling encounters with cryptids. The first account comes from Megan in Ruffen, North Carolina, who describes seeing a massive, winged humanoid with long man-like legs and a menacing expression. The creature scratched the top of her boyfriend's SUV and followed them for several miles before disappearing. Megan's brother also had a similar sighting years later, adding credibility to her story. The second account is from Sherry, who grew up in North Battleford, Saskatchewan. She and several others witnessed small, hairy hands with long fingers and nails, scrabbling beneath the space between the floor and the bottom of their door leading to the basement. The creatures seemed to have a sense of evil attached to them and were never seen when the door was opened. The third and final account is from a woman who encountered a 3-foot tall humanoid with a pointed nose, long ears, and razor-sharp teeth in her own home. Her dog, who was normally not afraid of anything, became extremely agitated and protective during the encounter. These accounts are both fascinating and terrifying, and it's always interesting to hear about other people's experiences with cryptids. If you're a Bigfoot believer like me, you'll appreciate the bravery of these individuals in sharing their stories. I highly recommend checking out the full video on Tattooed Biker Unexplained's YouTube channel to hear more about these encounters. Who knows, it might even inspire you to share your own cryptid encounter.