Infantry trainee comes face to face with Bigfoot: I couldn't believe how big it was!

Posted Saturday, February 29, 2020

By staff

While in infantry training at Camp Pendleton in California,we had dug in on a very large hill and were expecting a enemy force to attack in the night. I had one Marine with me and to our left were two other about 30 yrds. away. They were also dug in. We had a steep rock covered area right in front of us. We heard something coming up the side of the mountain. We could hear rocks rolling down the mountain. It came up over the edge and the Marine with me yelled halt. It stood up right in front of us about 6 feet away. I could see the outline of this creature and it was hugh. It looked about 3 1/2 feet wide. It had long arms and a pointed head. It was very tall. From the hole we were in I had to look almost straight up at it. I couldn't believe how big it was! It was so tall,big and wide. I could see the outline very well but could not make out its features. It made no noise and there was no smell we could detect. It stood there for about one minute and then walked between us and the other Marines. I was terrified at the time and my hair was standing up. I tried not to breath. I had no idea what to expect from it. After it had passed and was out of sight the four of us made sure we had all seen the same thing. Everyone said they were not going to say a thing. I have never before reported this but now I know they exist. via (Link: