Alien Encounters: Betty and Barney Hill's Niece Shares Paranormal Experiences

Posted Tuesday, September 17, 2024

By staff

In a recent video from the YouTube channel Paranomaly Beyond Disclosure, Kathleen Marden, niece of Betty and Barney Hill, shares her experiences with UFOs, aliens, and the paranormal. Marden, who served as the founder and director of MUFON's Experiencer Research Team for 10 years, is well-known in the field of ufology. During the interview, Marden discusses her personal encounters with unidentified flying objects and extraterrestrial beings, as well as her thoughts on ghosts and hauntings. She reveals that her own experiences with the paranormal began when she was just 13 years old, shortly after her aunt and uncle's now-famous encounter with a UFO in 1961. Marden goes on to describe a number of strange occurrences that took place in her childhood home, including the sighting of a mysterious orb and the sensation of something unseen walking on her bed. She also shares the results of a survey of over 5,000 experiencers, which found that 74% had experienced the sensation of something unseen walking on their beds and over 50% had seen orbs in their homes. In addition to her personal experiences, Marden also discusses the case of Betty and Barney Hill, who reported seeing a UFO and having a close encounter with extraterrestrial beings while on a road trip in 1961. Marden shares details of the encounter, including the couple's fear of contamination by radiation and the strange marks they found on their car. Overall, the video is a fascinating look into the world of ufology and the paranormal, and offers a unique perspective from someone who has been deeply involved in the field for many years. If you're interested in learning more about Kathleen Marden and her experiences, be sure to check out the full video on the Paranomaly Beyond Disclosure YouTube channel.