Army Sergeant's Chilling Bigfoot Encounter in Oregon Timberland
Posted Monday, September 16, 2024
By staff
A thrilling Bigfoot encounter story has recently surfaced on the YouTube channel Mysteries Unknown. The video, titled "Bigfoot Encounter Stories: Class A Encounter From Oregon," features an interview with Todd, a man who had a remarkable encounter with the elusive creature back in 1993 while serving in the military.
Todd, a born and raised Pacific Northwest native, had always been skeptical about the existence of Bigfoot, dismissing it as an urban legend or a campfire tale. However, his perspective changed dramatically during a military exercise in the Oregon Coast Range.
As a combat engineer, Todd and his team were conducting a large-scale explosives operation in a private timberland area. The team had set up three blast sites, including a cutting charge, a mine breach, and a cratering charge. After lighting the fuse for the final cratering charge, Todd, a passenger in a Humvee, had the opportunity to gaze out of the window as the convoy descended the winding logging road.
As they rounded a corner, Todd noticed three dark figures standing in the middle of the recently detonated rock quarry. Initially, he thought they were people, but quickly realized they were anything but human. The creatures stood at approximately 7 to 9 feet tall, with long, pendulous arms that swung below their knees. Their heads sat squarely on their broad shoulders, with no visible necks. The tallest one in the middle stood as still as a statue, while the other two swayed side to side, shifting their weight from one foot to the other.
Todd watched the creatures for 25 seconds before the convoy rounded a corner and they vanished from sight. The experience left him in shock and traumatized, but also forever changed.
This captivating firsthand account is a must-watch for any Bigfoot enthusiast. The video offers a unique perspective on the creature, providing valuable insights into its appearance, behavior, and possible interactions with humans. Tune in to Mysteries Unknown on YouTube to hear Todd's incredible story and witness his genuine passion for uncovering the truth behind the enigmatic Sasquatch.