Wyoming Climber's Encounter: Three Mysterious Shapes in the Wind River Range

Posted Sunday, September 15, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

A chilling encounter with the elusive Sasquatch has been reported in a video posted on YouTube by the channel Base Camp Chris. The video, titled "Solo Climber in WYOMING....Discovers Mysterious Power in Bigfoot," shares the story of Carl, an experienced outdoorsman and climber who had a terrifying experience while on a solo climbing trip in the Wind River Range in Wyoming. Carl, who had a passion for climbing and loved the solitude of solo trips, set out to climb two peaks above a large meadow with a pass in between. After a long day of hiking, he set up camp next to the trail, had dinner, and went to bed early to get a good night's rest before his big climb. But Carl's peaceful night was interrupted when he woke up suddenly with an overwhelming feeling of dread. He felt an urgent need to leave his campsite, but realized he couldn't cross the stream in the dark. As he tried to accept his fate and wait out the night, he heard loud footsteps approaching his tent. Petrifed, Carl listened as the footsteps stopped just outside his tent. He then saw three large, dark shapes standing above his tent, staring back down at him. The creatures were at least 7 to 8 feet tall and appeared to be able to see well in the dark. After what seemed like several minutes, the creatures turned and walked away, disappearing into the night. The next morning, Carl realized he had seen something truly extraordinary. He packed up his gear and continued on his climb, but he couldn't shake the feeling of exhaustion and disbelief. He knew he had seen something truly remarkable, and he couldn't wait to share his story with others. This video is a fascinating account of a close encounter with the elusive Sasquatch. It's a reminder of the power and mystery that surrounds these creatures, and the impact they can have on those who are lucky enough to see them. If you're a Bigfoot believer, this video is definitely worth a watch.