Bigfoot Researcher Seeks Activity Reports in Oregon's Central Coast

Posted Sunday, September 15, 2024

By staff

A new video has been making the rounds in the Bigfoot community, posted by the YouTube channel Northwest Sasquatch Studies and Research. In the video, titled "Bigfoot research In my backyard part 5," the channel's host, Ben, takes us on a journey through the woods in search of Bigfoot activity. Ben admits that it's been a slow summer for Bigfoot sightings, with only one notable encounter happening during a camping trip with friends. Unfortunately, Ben didn't have his camera ready and wasn't able to capture any footage of the elusive creature. Despite the lack of activity, Ben remains optimistic and continues to explore the woods in search of Bigfoot. He mentions a road system called the 100s that he would like to investigate, but is unable to access due to it being locked up. Towards the end of the video, Ben expresses frustration at not being able to find any Bigfoot activity and jokes about being eaten by a cougar. But he quickly shakes off the negativity and remains determined to continue his research. As Bigfoot believers, it's always exciting to see fellow enthusiasts out in the field, doing their part to gather evidence and spread awareness about these elusive creatures. While this particular video may not have any groundbreaking footage or sightings, it's a reminder that the search for Bigfoot is an ongoing journey, full of both successes and setbacks. If you're interested in checking out the video for yourself, you can find it on the Northwest Sasquatch Studies and Research YouTube channel. And as always, keep your eyes peeled and stay Squatchable!