Two Sasquatches Seek, Observe, and Communicate at a Campground

Posted Sunday, September 15, 2024

By staff

A fascinating account of a close encounter with a Sasquatch has recently surfaced on YouTube, and it's definitely worth a watch for any Bigfoot enthusiast. The witness, who chose to remain anonymous, shared their experience of encountering not one, but two Sasquatches while fishing at a reservoir turned campground in the 1980s and 1990s. According to the witness, they had their first Sasquatch encounter while hunting in the same area before it became a campground. They saw a group of three Sasquatches, one of which was carrying a smaller one. The witness described the Sasquatches as having long human arms and hands, with ears covered in hair, and a head that sloped up to a point at the crown. They also mentioned that the Sasquatches had a unique language consisting of sounds and hand movements. The witness's second encounter occurred while they were fishing at the campground. Two Sasquatches, one of which was around 7 feet tall, appeared near the boat ramp. The bigger Sasquatch gestured and pointed to the little one, who then proceeded to explore the area. The little Sasquatch checked out the boat launch, handrails, and pier before approaching a mother and her two kids. The witness noted that the mother seemed to know that something was not right and politely told the Sasquatch to have a nice day before leaving. The little Sasquatch then approached the witness and tried to communicate with them. Although the witness could not understand what the Sasquatch was saying, they could tell that it was a young one with a human-like face and thin facial hairs. The Sasquatch seemed to be upset when the witness caught a fish and accidentally dropped it in the water. The witness's third encounter occurred while they were sitting in the parking lot near the lake. They saw the two Sasquatches again, and the bigger one stole food from nearby campers. The witness noted that the Sasquatches had a high IQ and were very smart. Overall, this witness's account is a fascinating addition to the many Sasquatch sightings and encounters reported over the years. It's always exciting to hear about new and unique experiences from people who have encountered these elusive creatures. If you're interested in learning more about this encounter, be sure to check out the video on YouTube.