Bigfoot Clues in Hermit Park? Patrick Investigates Anomalies

Posted Saturday, September 14, 2024

By staff

A new video has been making the rounds in the Bigfoot community, and I couldn't wait to share it with our readers. The video, titled "Hermit Park Sasquatch Part 1, Hiking With Janice 2024," was posted by the YouTube channel Sasquatch And The Wild. The video starts off with the vlogger, Patrick, and his hiking partner, Janice, exploring Hermit Park. Patrick mentions that there have been reports of tree breaks and other strange occurrences in the park, and he's hoping to capture some evidence of Bigfoot's presence. As they hike, Patrick and Janice come across a variety of interesting sights, including a peculiar tree that looks like it's growing upside down. Patrick also mentions finding a tree with a strip of bark missing, which he thinks may have been caused by lightning. One of the most intriguing parts of the video is when Patrick comes across a strange pattern of branches on the ground. He notes that it looks like something has been laying down branches in a specific pattern, and he speculates that it could be a Sasquatch sign. Throughout the video, Patrick and Janice keep an eye out for any signs of Bigfoot, but they don't have any sightings. However, they do come across some interesting evidence, including a log that seems out of place and a tree with a strange break in it. I found this log to be particularly intriguing. The way it's lying there, with branches sticking out at odd angles, made me wonder if it could have been moved by a Sasquatch. Towards the end of the video, Patrick and Janice come across what looks like a footprint in the sand. Patrick notes that it could be a boot print, but it also looks like it could be a footprint. Overall, I found this video to be a fascinating glimpse into the world of Bigfoot research. While there's no definitive proof of Sasquatch's presence in the park, the strange occurrences and patterns they come across make for a compelling case. I would encourage all of our readers to check out the video for themselves and see what they think. Who knows, maybe you'll spot something that Patrick and Janice missed!