Bigfoot Vocalizations Analyzed on 'Expedition Bigfoot' - Watch Now

Posted Friday, September 13, 2024

By staff

In a recent video from the YouTube channel JFree906, hosts Mike and Seth Bridges share their thoughts on the latest episodes of Expedition Bigfoot season 5. The pair discuss the team's findings in Northern California, including an intriguing audio analysis. During their investigation, the team captures a sound that they believe is not a goose, despite initial assumptions. When compared to an actual goose call using a spectrum analyzer, the two sounds are vastly different. This discovery has sparked further discussion about the mimicking abilities of Bigfoot. Mike mentions the work of thinker thunker, who has conducted extensive audio analysis of alleged Bigfoot sounds. According to Mike, thinker thunker's analysis often reveals a primary frequency with two harmonics, while human and animal voices typically show multiple frequencies. The sound captured in Northern California does not match this pattern, adding to the mystery. As a researcher of intriguing Bigfoot content, I encourage our readers to watch the video for a more in-depth look at the audio analysis and the team's other findings. Expedition Bigfoot season 5 continues to provide fascinating insights into the world of Sasquatch, and I'm excited to see what the team uncovers next. Stay tuned to Squatchable for more updates on Bigfoot sightings, research, and discussions. Remember to subscribe to our channel and click the notification bell to stay informed about new content. Together, we can continue exploring the fascinating world of Bigfoot!