Dogman Encounter in Bigfoot Country: Witnesses Describe Muscular Creature with Dog Snout

Posted Thursday, September 12, 2024

By staff

In a video posted to the YouTube channel Old Hillbilly Horror, a series of chilling cryptid and folklore encounters are shared, with a particular focus on the Dogman and Sasquatch. The video begins with an account from the channel's owner, who shares a story told to him by his son and son-in-law. While out spotlighting rabbits, the two saw a creature hunched over, eating. At first, they thought it was a large bird, but when it stood up on its hind legs and spread its arms wide, they realized it was something much more terrifying. The creature had a dog snout and was covered in fur, but its muscular build was unmistakable. The two described it as standing as tall or taller than the son, who is 6'2. The creature took off faster than anything they had ever seen before, clearing a huge rock pile in one leap. The son immediately called his father, who informed him that he had seen a Dogman, not a Bigfoot. The area where the sighting occurred was surrounded by cornfields, caves, and covered in sage, which the father notes is often associated with such sightings. The video is filled with similar stories of cryptid encounters, including a haunting account of a spirit appearing to a soldier on a military base. The spirit, in the form of an old African American woman, revealed her name and instructed the soldier to deliver a message to a specific individual. The soldier immediately approached the person named and described the spirit in uncanny detail, causing the individual to burst into tears. The video also touches on the topic of demonic entities, with a story of a satanic ceremony conducted in a rural area of Northern Arizona. While the channel's owner declined to participate, the eerie feeling that pervaded the area after the ceremony is palpable. For Bigfoot believers, this video is a must-watch. Each account is chilling and adds to the already vast body of cryptid encounters. Whether you're a seasoned researcher or a curious newcomer, Old Hillbilly Horror's video is sure to leave you with a sense of wonder and a desire to learn more.