Night Hike in Bigfoot Country: Thermal Cameras, Strange Noises, and a Possible Sighting

Posted Wednesday, September 11, 2024

By staff

In a recent video posted on the YouTube channel T Mac, paranormal investigators set out on a nighttime hike through the woods in search of the elusive Grassman, a creature said to roam the forests of Ohio. Armed with thermal imaging equipment, the team hoped to capture evidence of the Grassman's existence. As they made their way through the woods, the team discussed their previous encounters with strange noises and tree knockings, which they believe to be the work of the Grassman. They also mentioned the recent police report of a tree being knocked over and someone being screamed at in the same area. Upon reaching the location of the reported incident, the team heard what sounded like a person's voice and a rock being thrown. They quickly turned on their thermal imaging equipment, but were unable to detect anything. Despite this, they continued to hear strange noises and branches breaking throughout the night. One of the most intriguing moments of the video occurred when the team stumbled upon a "structure" in the woods. They were unable to determine what it was, but it seemed to be out of place and man-made. As they investigated the area, they heard more strange noises and rocks being thrown. They were able to detect a pair of eyes on the thermal imaging equipment, but were unable to make out any other details. Overall, the video is an interesting watch for anyone interested in the paranormal or the Grassman. While they were unable to capture any concrete evidence of the creature's existence, the strange noises and occurrences throughout the night make for a compelling case. You can check out the full video on the T Mac YouTube channel.