Paranormal investigators watched adult Bigfoot picked up a baby Bigfoot

Posted Monday, February 24, 2020

By staff

The witness is a paranormal investigator: The cemetery is so old no one goes there. He and his colleagues on several occasions heard what sounded like things being thrown at them and wood knocks. This went on for several weeks, and they thought it was noise from a haunting. They later started hearing howls and whoops which they were able to record on tape. Unfortunately the recordings were of poor quality and the photos of the tracks were taken with a cell phone so they did not show enough detail. While doing research on what could be making the sounds, they discovered that typical bigfoot behavior involves - throwing objects, wood knocks, whoops and howls. They also discovered that there are many reports of bigfoots in graveyards. See Stan Courtney's article on Cemeteries and Squatches. One morning, after a night of investigating, they walked to the edge of the cemetery toward a rock outcropping. They were shocked to see two large dark brown bigfoots. The larger one, approximately 7 feet tall, stood staring at them for about 2 minutes. When they attempted to get closer, the bigfoots turned to walk away but not before the smaller adult reached down and grabbed a baby. The baby had been sitting in the tall grass. The witness describes the baby as about the size of a human 3 year old. When it grabbed the baby it lifted it up and sat it on its shoulder. They rapidly walked into the woods with their arms swinging, in a fluid motion but did not seem alarmed. Once the witness had seen the bigfoots, they returned many times hoping for another encounter. They have heard howls and screams, breaking branches, and found tracks of different sizes. They have had many return whoops. They have also found stick structures that were large enough for a 6’3” frame to walk into. The witnesses described the bigfoots in better detail: - The three were dark brown, not black . - The larger adult had a pug nose and human-like features. - The head shape was more pointed than round. - Arms seemed to be down to their knees. via (Link: