Bigfoot Clues Discovered on Gem Lake Trail: Hiker's Investigation
Posted Monday, September 09, 2024
By staff
A recent video posted on YouTube by the channel Sasquatch And The Wild has caught the attention of Bigfoot enthusiasts. The video, titled "Lumpy Ridge Sasquatch Part 2 Hiking With Janice 2024," features Patrick, the channel's host, and his hiking companion Janice, as they explore the Lumpy Ridge Trail in Rocky Mountain National Park.
As they hike, Patrick and Janice come across some interesting findings that have sparked intrigue within the Bigfoot community. One of the most notable discoveries is a small trail off to the side of the main trail, filled with sand and what appear to be bare footprints. Patrick notes that while it could be easy to dismiss the footprints as those of humans, the fact that there are no shoes or socks present is worth noting.
Another oddity that the pair come across is a tree that has been broken and propped up by a small stick, creating a sort of "X" shape. Patrick explains that this is the type of oddity that Bigfoot researchers look for, as it is not something that is typically done by humans.
As they continue their hike, Patrick and Janice come across what appears to be a trail camera box placed on a tree by the park service. They also discuss the lack of reported Bigfoot sightings in the area, despite the abundance of Sasquatch sightings throughout the park.
Towards the end of the video, Patrick and Janice come across a tree with branches that have been sharpened into spikes, which is a common defense mechanism used by Bigfoot to protect themselves and their territory.
While the video doesn't provide any definitive proof of Bigfoot, the findings and discussions throughout the hike have certainly sparked intrigue within the Bigfoot community. It serves as a reminder to always keep an open mind and to pay attention to the little oddities that can often be overlooked.
If you're interested in checking out the video for yourself, you can find it on the Sasquatch And The Wild YouTube channel. And as always, happy squatching!