Iowa Bigfoot Encounters: Four Chilling Tales of Witnessed Sightings
Posted Sunday, September 08, 2024
By staff
A thrilling first-hand account of a Bigfoot encounter in Iowa has been shared on the YouTube channel, Bigfoot Encounters Narrated. The witness, Shannon Morgan, describes a chilling experience that occurred in Scott County, Iowa, in 1989.
While camping with his girlfriend, Shannon heard a primal scream that he had never experienced before. The scream was so close and so loud that it made the hair on his neck stand up. Shannon, who spent his childhood in the remote woods of Maine, was no stranger to the sounds of the forest, but this scream was unlike anything he had ever heard. He estimated the height of the creature to be between 7 to 9 feet tall, and he was certain that it was a Bigfoot.
Six months after the encounter, Shannon and his girlfriend were watching a show on Bigfoot when they heard the same primal scream that they had heard in Iowa. This time, the scream was played from a recording in Oregon, and it sent chills down their spines. Shannon now feels fortunate to have had such a close encounter with a Bigfoot and has returned to the area many times, always walking a little slower and more alert.
In September 1991, Shannon had another encounter in Decatur County, Iowa. This time, he was surface hunting for Indian artifacts when he noticed two men parked in a two-tone Ford pickup truck. As he walked to a different location to hunt, the truck drove off, and Shannon heard rustling in the bushes. When he went to investigate, he saw a creature sitting on the ground, leaning against a tree. The creature was sleeping with its hands and fingers locked together, and its long brownish hair covered its head to toe, including its face. Shannon was only 20 feet away from the creature and was completely shocked. He recognized the creature from pictures and magazines and felt nauseous and confused. As he hopped back into the creek out of sight, the creature rose and bolted east in the direction of the men in the pickup truck.
Shannon believes that there are multiple Bigfoot creatures in the area, and he is not the only one who has had encounters. In August 1997, a 22-year-old man and his 11-year-old relative saw a triangular-shaped object in the sky in Woodbury County, Iowa. As they drove home, a strange animal bumped into their car, described as a snarling hyena with big red lights in place of eyes and huge teeth. The fur was tan striped and spotted with black, and it had huge bulging muscles all over its body. The witnesses watched the triangular-shaped object moving very slowly at about 300 ft altitude, and since the sighting, the younger boy has had repeated dreams featuring large heads with no faces.
In July 1999, four friends went camping in Dallas County, Iowa. They heard rustling in the leaves and a strange grunting sound, like some sort of sick cow or heavy rasp breathing. They caught a glimpse of the creature and saw reddish brown fur and a tall figure. The creature seemed scared and walked away.
These encounters are a reminder that Bigfoot sightings are not limited to the Pacific Northwest. If you have had a Bigfoot encounter that you would like to share, email Bigfoot Encounters Narrated at [Bigfoot Encounters Narrated](mailto:Bigfoot Encounters Narrated
Excitement Level: 7/10. These first-hand accounts of Bigfoot encounters in Iowa are fascinating and add to the growing body of evidence that Bigfoot exists. The descriptions of the creatures and their behavior are consistent with other Bigfoot sightings, and the witnesses' reactions are understandable given the circumstances. It's always exciting to hear new accounts of Bigfoot sightings and to learn more about these elusive creatures.
I am always eager to hear new accounts of encounters and to learn more about these mysterious creatures. The witnesses' descriptions of the creatures' behavior and appearance are consistent with other Bigfoot sightings, and their reactions are understandable given the circumstances. It's always exciting to hear new accounts of Bigfoot sightings and to learn more about these elusive creatures. I encourage readers to watch the video and to share their own Bigfoot encounters with the YouTube channel, Bigfoot Encounters Narrated.