Man sees "tree stump" jump up and run away

Posted Saturday, February 22, 2020

By staff

I have always been a believer in sasquatch. however,I was never wanting to actually see one. (childhood fear). I watched a documentary when I was 10 yrs old and had bad dreams ever since. In one dream he cornered me in a cave and threw a big log in at me. This woke me thinking I was dead. Anyway my wife and I,and 2 kids,went camping at a provincial park near our home. It was the middle of june. One afternoon, my wife convinced me to go for a hike down one of the trails nearby. It was just after lunch. We walked down the road 100 ft and turned onto the trail that went straight into the bush behind the camp. About 200ft down the trail I was looking up a hill that was covered in ferns. not many trees for about 50 yds. the sun was shining on this hill. the trees were very tall so not much direct sunlight got through in most places. Camera still in the bag at this point.I noticed what looked like a big stump at the back of the sunlit area. All of a sudden it got up and started running away. Very quickly. It ran about 100 yds in my view, away from the direction of my campsite. I was able to see it foot when it came up to the back and it didnt look huge compared to the rest of him. I saw a long thigh come up level as it ran.It was very muscular in the back, I could see how the hair came to a v shape at the spine. The colour was like a grizzly bear. The last thing I heard was a big crack of a tree. I looked at my wife and said "lets go". I picked up the smallest boy and we all ran out to the road. My wife and kids saw nothing(were'nt looking). I saw a parks guy emptying garbage bins. I went to him and said "I just saw something big and brown in the bush". To my surprise he said quite calmly,"was it on 2 legs or 4 legs?". I responded"2". he said"OK,I'll tell the rangers". And that was it,didnt seem surprised or disbelieving. via (Link: