Bigfoot Encounter at Summer Camp: A Father's Story
Posted Friday, September 06, 2024
By staff
A chilling account of strange sounds and a possible Sasquatch encounter has been shared on the YouTube channel Bucks bigfoot storyteller. The video, titled "Strange sounds heard at summer camp," tells the story of a man who attended summer camp in Langley, British Columbia, Canada, in 1973.
The summer camp was located near the border, in an area that was mostly undeveloped at the time. During an overnight hike in Sasquatch Park, the campers came across a hole in the ground with small trees sunk into the top, resembling a cage or a cell. The park warden told them that a man from the previous century had caught a Sasquatch in that hole and tried to take it back to England on his ship, but the creature managed to escape by jumping into the waters just a few miles out from Vancouver in the Georgia Straits.
The next day, the campers found a drawing on the bulletin board of a man being chased by Sasquatches. They were told that one of the counselors had been chased while walking around the back of the camp's property. The following morning, a woman who lived on a sheep farm next to the camp reported that two of her animals were missing and thought they might be on the property. When the campers went to look for them, they found sheep fur covered with blood on one of the barbed wire fences. As they were walking back, they heard a roar louder than anything they had ever heard before. One of the counselors left them in the dust, running away as fast as he could, while the campers, mentally panicked, tried to run faster than they could. The official story was that a bear was loose on the property, but the witness has never been sure what it was that made that sound.
The witness only recently discovered that the screams he heard match the ones listed on a webpage as Bigfoot screams. This has confirmed to him that what he heard that day was indeed a Sasquatch.
This is a fascinating account of a possible Sasquatch encounter and strange sounds heard at a summer camp in British Columbia. It's always exciting to hear new stories and evidence of the existence of Sasquatch. We encourage our readers to watch the video and share their thoughts with us.