Bigfoot Sightings in Mississippi: Scientists Hunt for Yeti Evidence

Posted Friday, September 06, 2024

By staff

A recent video posted on YouTube by Real Eyes Tv has been making waves in the Bigfoot community. The video, titled "LURKING IN THE WOODS IS A CREATURE MANY HAVE HEARD OF BUT ONLY A FEW HAVE SEEN IT UNTIL NOW!!" explores the possibility of Bigfoot sightings in Mississippi. The video features David Childers, co-founder of the Delta paranormal project, who claims to have had his own encounter with a Sasquatch at an abandoned playground last month. Childers and his team have spent many nights searching for the elusive woolly booger, a colorful name that locals call Bigfoot. Cheryl Mitchell, a woman from McGee, also shares her story of when she saw Bigfoot last spring. She describes the creature as being tall and stepping over her fence, stating that it was not a deer. Mitchell believes that more people have seen the mythical creature than have been reported due to fear of being ridiculed or not believed. The video also touches on the theory that Bigfoot may be a hybrid cross between Homo sapiens and an unknown primate. Scientists at Oxford University are using DNA analysis to test organic material connected to the yeti, in hopes of finding concrete evidence of its existence. While some believe that Bigfoot sightings are hoaxes, others, like Childers and Mitchell, are determined to prove that these creatures do exist. The search for Bigfoot continues, and this video serves as a reminder that the possibility of their existence is still very much alive. If you're a Bigfoot enthusiast, this video is definitely worth a watch. It's always exciting to hear about new sightings and encounters, and this one is no exception. Who knows, it may even inspire you to go out and do some Bigfoot searching of your own!