Retired Nurse's Three Cryptid Encounters: Sasquatch, Dogman, and a Mystery Creature
Posted Wednesday, September 04, 2024
By staff
A fascinating account of a possible Sasquatch encounter has been shared on the YouTube channel The Facts By Howtohunt . com. The witness, Teresa H, describes three distinct experiences that she now believes could be related to Cryptids.
The first encounter took place in the early 1990s, when Teresa and her young daughter saw something run across the road in front of their car in Joliet, Illinois. At the time, they thought it might be a small chimpanzee, but now Teresa wonders if it could have been a baby Sasquatch.
The second encounter occurred while Teresa was walking with her children in a park in Joliet. She suddenly got a bad feeling and decided to leave the area quickly. She now believes that they may have been in the presence of a Sasquatch.
The third and final encounter took place in Benton, Kentucky in 2004. Teresa and her husband saw a large black animal run across the road in front of their truck. They initially thought it was a humongous wolf, but upon closer inspection, they realized that it was not shaped like a bear and had pointy ears and a long snout. Teresa describes feeling a definite presence of evil at the time.
Teresa's experiences are a reminder that Sasquatch sightings can happen to anyone, regardless of whether or not they are outdoor enthusiasts. She encourages anyone who has had a similar experience to speak up and share their story.
If you're interested in learning more about Teresa's encounters, be sure to check out the full video on The Facts By Howtohunt . com's YouTube channel. And as always, stay safe and keep an open mind when it comes to the possibility of Sasquatch.