Arkansas College Student's Chilling Bigfoot Encounter in 1980

Posted Tuesday, September 03, 2024

By staff

A fascinating account of a close encounter with a Bigfoot creature has been shared on the YouTube channel Mysteries Unknown. The video, titled "Bigfoot Encounter Stories: Class A Encounters From Arkansas," features a conversation with Rusty, who had a life-changing experience while fishing in the West Memphis area during his college days. Rusty and his friend were trolling on a lake in Eastern Arkansas when they spotted something unusual on the shore. They saw the head, shoulders, and upper chest of a creature that appeared to be a cross between a man and an ape. The creature had dark skin on its face and dark hair on its head, neck, and shoulders. They watched as it turned around and crashed back into the bush, disappearing from their sight. Rusty's encounter had a profound impact on him, even though he didn't tell anyone about it for many years. He eventually reported his sighting to the Bigfoot Field Research Organization (BFRO) and has since connected with others who have had encounters with Bigfoot. During the conversation, Rusty mentioned that he didn't smell or hear anything unusual during his encounter. However, he suspects that the creature was coming down to the lake to cool off because of the extreme heat that summer. The Mississippi Delta region where Rusty's encounter took place is a 75 to 100-mile-wide stretch of forest and cultivated lands, with the Mississippi River running through it. While there are some towns in the area, much of it is undeveloped, making it a prime location for Bigfoot sightings. If you're a Bigfoot enthusiast, this video is definitely worth checking out. It's always exciting to hear firsthand accounts of encounters with these elusive creatures. Who knows, maybe one day we'll have definitive proof that Bigfoot exists, but until then, we can only rely on the stories of those who have been lucky enough to encounter them.