Fisherman thought Bigfoot approaching was in "despair"

Posted Thursday, February 20, 2020

By staff

I was afraid people would consider me nuts. I was fishing on Escambia river on the Alabama, Florida line. The water was high from alot of rain, the swamps were flooded which made for good bass fishing. It was almost sundown, I noticed that everything was quiet, the frogs, birds, crickets,ect...I heard water spashing, I thought it was a deer leaping through the water but what I spotted was a two legged animal walking upright through shallow water and trees. It saw me and started wading toward me. The water got deeper, almost to it's chest, it turned away and went back to shallow water. It watched me for a couple of minutes and wandered back into the swamp. It never made a sound, but it tilted its head back and forth like it was trying to figure me out during the time it watched me.. I have since purchased a camcorder, but I haven't seen it again..the one I saw, I would guess it was about six to six and one half feet tall. It was a dark tan in color but had a little black around it's shoulders. Its hair covered most of its body, but it had bare places on its face and elbows. I would guess it came within 75 yards of me. I was stunned and very scared. As soon as it was out of site, I left as soon as my motor would start..I often wonder what would have happened if I would have been in shallow did not act as if it was going to attack. To me, it looked as if it was in despair. via (Link: