Man Recounts Two Chilling Bigfoot Encounters in Florida and North Carolina

Posted Monday, September 02, 2024

By staff

A fascinating account of a possible Sasquatch encounter has been making the rounds on YouTube, and I couldn't help but share it with our community. The testimony comes from a man named Jackson, who shared his story on the Bigfoot Society YouTube channel. Jackson's encounter with a Sasquatch occurred when he was just a child, growing up near the Everglades in Florida. While playing in the woods, he heard branches snapping and saw a medium-sized Sasquatch emerge from the canal and disappear into the woods. Although he didn't know what he had seen at the time, his father, who was 95% Cherokee, recognized the significance of Jackson's sighting and showed him the movie "The Legend of Boggy Creek" to help him understand. Years later, Jackson and his father went on a fishing trip in the mountains of North Carolina. During their stay in a cabin near the Watauga River, Jackson had a strong feeling that someone was watching him the entire time. Every night, he heard heavy footsteps and breathing on the front porch, but he couldn't see anything since there was no window on the porch. On the last day of their trip, Jackson went down to the river to fish and felt like he was in the presence of something otherworldly. He tried to communicate with whatever was out there and soon heard heavy footsteps and brush moving on the other side of the river. Jackson described the sound as something he had never heard before, unlike anything a deer or bear would make. Jackson's story is a captivating account of a possible Sasquatch encounter, and it's definitely worth checking out the full video on the Bigfoot Society YouTube channel. I'm always excited to hear new stories and testimonies from people who have had their own encounters with these elusive creatures.