Couple's Chilling Encounter with a Massive, Menacing Bigfoot in Glacier National Park

Posted Wednesday, August 28, 2024

By staff

A thrilling Bigfoot encounter in Glacier National Park has been captured on video and shared on the YouTube channel Cryptid Mysterious. The video, titled "Chilling Bigfoot Encounter in Glacier National Park: A Hike Turned Terrifying," features an account from hikers Edward and Chloe Bernstein, who had a close encounter with the elusive creature while hiking near Lake McDonald. According to the video, Edward and Chloe were hiking along the lower side of a small mountain covered in pines when they spotted the Bigfoot peering out from behind a tree. The creature was described as being at least 8 or 9 feet tall and extremely broad, with a flat face and an evil or mean expression. Despite its intimidating appearance, the Bigfoot did not exhibit any aggressive behavior and eventually moved away from the hikers, disappearing into the trees. The video's narrator, who uses voice editing software to alter their voice, expresses excitement and awe at the level of detail provided by the witnesses. They encourage viewers to check out the video for themselves and share their thoughts in the comments. I am always thrilled to come across new accounts and footage of the elusive creature. The level of detail provided by the witnesses in this video is truly fascinating, and it's easy to get caught up in the excitement of the encounter. Whether you're a seasoned Bigfoot researcher or just a curious observer, this video is definitely worth a watch. It's good to note that Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, is not considered to be an animal or beast by many in the Bigfoot community. Instead, they are seen as a mysterious and elusive creature with its own unique consciousness and intelligence. If you have had a Bigfoot encounter or any other mysterious experience, be sure to share it with the Cryptid Mysterious YouTube channel. And as always, keep an open mind and stay curious. You never know what you might encounter on your next hike in the great outdoors.