Hunter's 1979 Bigfoot Encounter: Unrevealed Body Mystery
Posted Monday, August 26, 2024
By staff
A new account of a possible Bigfoot encounter has emerged on YouTube, and it's certainly a fascinating one. The video, posted by the channel Bucks bigfoot storyteller, tells the story of an individual who claims to have shot and killed a Bigfoot back in 1979 in New Brunswick, Canada.
According to the story, the individual was out hunting deer when he began to smell a strong, skunk-like odor mixed with the scent of rotten iron. He then heard loud footsteps, and before he knew it, a massive creature was standing just 12 feet away from him. The creature was described as being around 10 feet tall, and the witness quickly raised his gun and shot at it. The Sasquatch fell to the ground, but it struggled to get back up. The witness then shot it again, and finally delivered a fatal blow to the head.
When the witness told his parents about the encounter, they didn't believe him and accused him of being on drugs. They even went so far as to blame him for his father's abuse and alcoholism, and eventually had him committed to a care center. The witness refused to tell anyone where the body was, fearing that he would be charged with murder.
The witness claimed to have shot the Bigfoot with a 270 caliber rifle, and the story has left many in the Bigfoot community with a lot of questions. Some wonder if the witness really did shoot a Bigfoot, or if he killed something else and is trying to cover it up. Others are curious about the environment in which the encounter took place, as the witness described it as a dense, wooded area.
Regardless of what actually happened, the story is certainly an interesting one and is worth a watch. You can find the video on the Bucks bigfoot storyteller YouTube channel, and see for yourself what you think of the account. As always, we encourage our readers to keep an open mind and consider all possibilities when it comes to Bigfoot encounters.