Chilling Bigfoot Encounter in Central Oregon: A Firsthand Account

Posted Sunday, August 25, 2024

By staff

A thrilling account of a possible Bigfoot encounter has recently emerged on YouTube, and I couldn't wait to share it with you. The encounter took place in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon, near the small town of Shamal. In the video, a man named Rich recounts his experience of seeing two glowing eyes by the side of the road while driving with his friends. The eyes, described as bright orange-yellowish, were about 8 feet off the ground and seemed to follow his vehicle as he passed by. Despite the darkness and lack of moonlight, the eyes remained visible, and Rich's friends also witnessed the phenomenon. During the interview, Rich mentioned that the eyes did not change color or intensity, even when the headlights were on them. This detail, along with the eyes' movement as the vehicle drove past, led Rich to believe that they belonged to a living creature rather than reflectors. The group of friends did not see any other features of the body, but they did notice that the eyes appeared to be watching them. The next day, they returned to the site and found no signs of reflectors or other objects that could have explained the mysterious eyes. Rich and his friends were not Bigfoot believers before the encounter, but the experience has left them puzzled and intrigued. They still can't explain what they saw, but they know it wasn't a typical animal. I find this account fascinating and worth sharing with our community. The vivid description of the eyes and their behavior is particularly intriguing, as it aligns with some witness reports of Bigfoot encounters. While we cannot confirm that the eyes belonged to a Sasquatch, the possibility exists and adds to the intrigue of the story. I encourage you to watch the video and share your thoughts on this captivating account. Is it possible that Rich and his friends had a close encounter with a Bigfoot? Or could it be something else entirely? The mystery continues, and we, as Bigfoot believers, remain open to all possibilities.