Camper Leaves Gift Basket for Ontario Sasquatch and Captures Mysterious Whooping Sounds

Posted Saturday, August 24, 2024

By staff

A video posted on the YouTube channel Turtle Island Sasquatch has caught the attention of Bigfoot enthusiasts. The video, titled "Camping With Sasquatch (2024)," features a firsthand account of a Sasquatch encounter while camping in Ontario, Canada. The video's creator, who has been a believer in Sasquatch for over 20 years, shares their experience of hearing a series of whoops and wood knocks while camping with their family. The whoops were heard in increments of five, with at least 10 back-and-forth exchanges, totaling 50 whoops. The family tried to wake each other up to hear the sounds, but they were careful not to make too much noise and alert the Sasquatch or other campers. The encounter left a lasting impression on the family, and they have returned to the same campsite every year since. Last year, they left a gift basket for the Sasquatch, filled with toys, marbles, beef jerky, and even a 6-inch figure. Unfortunately, nothing was taken from the basket, but they plan to leave another one this year. The video's creator hopes to capture evidence of the Sasquatch this year, specifically their whoops. They have purchased audio recorders, thermal cameras, and trail cameras to help document their encounters. However, they are careful not to reveal the location of the Sasquatch's home, as they do not want to disturb or harass them. I am excited to see what evidence the family is able to capture this year. Their dedication to documenting their encounters and respecting the Sasquatch's space is commendable. I encourage readers to watch the video and share their thoughts on the encounter.