Gifting Sasquatch: Guidelines for Responsible Encounters and Safety

Posted Saturday, August 24, 2024

By staff

If you're a Bigfoot enthusiast, you might have come across a fascinating video on YouTube by the channel Cryptid Wilderness Research. In this video, titled "CWR Podcast: Robin Haynes Q&A part 1," Robin Haynes, a research consultant and team member at CWR, shares her insights on gifting and feeding Sasquatch. Gifting is the practice of leaving offerings for Sasquatch as a way of building a relationship with them. According to Robin, gifting can be done with non-food items such as beads, feathers, white rocks, or crystals. However, when it comes to food, she advises caution. While it's okay to gift food, it's important not to do it on a regular basis, as it can lead to dependency. This, in turn, can result in aggressive behavior from the Sasquatch if the feeding stops. Robin also shares her personal experiences with gifting and feeding Sasquatch. She emphasizes the importance of being mindful of the group's behavior and not feeding them at the same time every day. She also mentions that Sasquatch are known to help themselves to gardens, taking just enough for what they want and leaving the rest. When it comes to the dangers of gifting, Robin advises being cautious, as the individual Sasquatch and the particular Clan can make a difference. She shares her own experience of feeding a group of Sasquatch in Michigan, where she was fortunate to have a safe experience. However, she notes that if she had been dealing with a different Clan, the outcome could have been different. Overall, this video is an informative and engaging watch for anyone interested in Sasquatch research. Robin's insights and personal experiences offer a unique perspective on the practice of gifting and feeding Sasquatch. So, if you're looking to expand your knowledge on the subject, be sure to check out this video on Cryptid Wilderness Research's YouTube channel.