Hiker Unearths Mysterious Bigfoot Trap on Sasquatch-Infamous Border

Posted Friday, August 23, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

A recent video posted on YouTube by Wonderhussy Adventures takes us on a journey through the dense forests of the Oregon-California border, an area known for its Sasquatch sightings. The vlogger comes across a trail marked on Google Maps as a "Bigfoot trap" and decides to investigate. As she hikes deeper into the woods, she discusses the elusive nature of Sasquatch, mentioning that no one has ever successfully captured one, despite numerous accounts of sightings. She also shares her own experience from several years ago when she attempted to lure a Sasquatch during a camping trip, but to no avail. Upon reaching the trap, she finds a sturdily built wooden box with a grate on one side. She speculates about what might be inside, guessing that it might contain a beautiful young maiden playing a flute or a pile of fruit. As she moves closer to the grate, she discovers that it's a trap designed to drop down once the Sasquatch is inside. The video is an interesting watch for any Bigfoot enthusiast, providing a glimpse into the mysterious world of Sasquatch and the efforts to capture one. To see the actual trap and the surrounding forest, be sure to check out the video on YouTube.