Unraveling Sasquatch Patterns: Insights from Bigfoot Researchers
Posted Friday, August 23, 2024
By Squatchable.com staff
In a recent video from the YouTube channel Creek Devil, host William Jevning and guest Rich discuss viewer questions about Sasquatch behavior and patterns. Jevning, a two-time witness and field researcher with over 40 years of experience, shares his insights on the subject.
One viewer, Nick, asked if Sasquatch have a routine similar to humans. Jevning believes that they do, explaining that through his fieldwork, he has observed patterns and ranges of groups in certain areas. Forest, another guest on the show, adds that like any other primate, Sasquatch likely move in patterns and go out to feed at regular times.
SL, a newbie to the channel, asks about the possibility of analyzing Sasquatch patterns to determine their place on the evolutionary tree. Jevning notes that primates are motivated by hunger and move when they are hungry. As for the idea of Sasquatch traveling from Alaska to the lower 48, Jevning is skeptical and notes that he has no way of knowing for sure.
Rose from Botha, Washington, brings up an interesting question about the temperament of Sasquatch according to the color of their hair. She also mentions a story from Canadian Aviator magazine about a crash on an island called Bellula in British Columbia, where two survivors were said to have disappeared with no trace. The Local Natives claimed that the island was home to the red Sasquatch, which are known to be more dangerous than the brown ones.
Overall, the video provides interesting insights and viewer questions about Sasquatch behavior and patterns. As a believer in the existence of Sasquatch, I encourage readers to check out the video for themselves and form their own opinions on the subject.